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Monday, November 30, 2015
texting in the classroom
Should cell phones be allowed in the classroom? Cell phone adoption among teenagers has increased significantly and access to the internet is general. “78% of teens now have a cell phone, and almost half (47%) of those own smart phones. That translates into 37% of all teens who have smart phones, up from just 23% in 2011”. ( Bring a cell phone to the school is not a problem. However, using cell phone in the class room is a big issue because cell phone cause cheating and non-focusing in the classroom. So, students should not use a cell phone in the classroom.
Cell phones could increase cheating.  If a student decides to bring his or her cell phone to the classroom, there is a possibility that they would use a cell phone in the class while no one knows. Then, once they get used to use cell phone on the test, they will start texting or searching while they take a test. This can cause a big increase in cheating. School is sanctioning student’s cell phone during the test. For example, if students cheat on the test, school gives punishment to the students. However, school needs a stronger cell phone policy than now because student thinks cheating is not that serious problem.
Students could not focus on the lesson. We should not have cell phones in the school because if students are going off like someone is calling other students, both students will be distracting the whole class. Also, students wouldn't pay attention in class because they will be too distracted texting others and playing games or texting on their cell phones.
Opponents-students should use a cell phone in the classroom- worry about an emergency situation such as permission to leave school early for reason of health. However, students could contact their parents through their teacher or school. Or, cell phones will have to be in student’s lockers and cell phones had to be shut down. And, the teachers will have permission to go throw their lockers and see if their cell phones are off. If there not off they will be taken away and their parents or guardians will have to come and pick them up and pay $15.00 dollars. If they get taken away the second time their parents or guardians will paying $15.00 dollars and spend one day in school suspension for one day. In emergency situation, all of the policies have to be excused.
cheating on the test
Cell phone makes a lot of troubles in the school. Sometimes cell phone is good device for the education, but cell phone is not helpful usually for the class. Because, student could cheat, get distracted, and distract others from their work. The cell phone is only obstacle for the teachers and students. Students could text in the class, and the teachers might see so the students might get their phone taking away! Take a cell phone in the school is fine. However, school needs care the student’s development in the classroom. Students should use their cell phones wisely.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Premier Cell Phone

Premier Cell Phone
            How much does the average person pay for a cell phone? Cell phones have become more and more expensive in recent years. Some consumers feel that cell phone prices have been increasing too much, and some cell phones are ridiculously overpriced. For example, the price of the Galaxy S6 and iPhone6S is almost one thousand dollars each, without a contract with a mobile carrier. How is that price possible? There are three characteristics that dictate a cell phone’s price: the technology, brand, and commercial advertising for the cell phones. However, these characteristics do not always match the price of the phones and are why so many cell phones are too expensive.

iPhone 6 'Bendgate'

            Bent Out of Shape -

            The cell phone is an overpriced item considered to be a quality product. Companies which make premier phones apply new technology into their new devices such as 3D pressure touch, software upgrades, etc. Customers know new phones come out with new high-technology every year; however the price for upgrading and installing the new technology into the newest cell phone does not equal the price being charged. Furthermore, some of the design technologies have errors. For example, when the iPhone 6 came out, it was supposed to be stronger and more flexible. However, users reported that the phone was susceptible to bending under a little pressure, such as when carried in a pocket. User’s complaints were known as Bendgate. Thus the premier cell phone was not able to work as a ‘premier’.

The brand name affect to the price of cell phones. Customers gladly pay the ‘brand name price’. People tend to choose the cell phone which is popular company such as Samsung or Apple. LG release the new cell phone G3 that is chipper than Galaxy S6 or iPhone6S. Also, the G3 has similar a technology, hardware, and attractively. However, people do not know about LG G3 as much as Galaxy S6 or iPhone 6S, because LG does not make an advertisement as much as Samsung or Apple. Customers need to think about that the brand name is valuable to buy a new premier cell phone?  Does One thousand dollar is worth to chose the cell phone? Well, not at all.

Device $100 + Apple $900 = $1000?
iPhone -
            Company is spending money for commercials, not for device. The company is counting the price for commercials that is one of parts of why the cell phone price is overpriced. Companies are engage popular stars to promote their cell phones. For example, the actor who appears on commercial is advertisement performance fee is around million dollars. So then, who pay for these commercial fees? Customers pay for theses commercials that includes in device prices.   As a result, people feel pressure of cell phone exchange.

             In these days, cell phone is high-priced electronic equipment cause by non-reasonable reasons. However, consumers have a choice to buy a good phone. “In the Android arena, Motorola’s new Moto G costs just $179 with no contract. It doesn’t have a tiny, cheap screen” (Why You Don’t Need an Expensive Smartphone Anymore; according thie author, Arena is not a new smart phone. However, it is not bad smart phone. Customers do not need an expensive smart phone anymore. Likewise, customer always has second or third choices. Or they have a free device plan for customers. Consumer needs to stop buying a new phone if it is not efficiency.