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Monday, October 12, 2015

Apple VS Samsung

Apple VS Samsung
Galaxy S6 - Samsung
Are you using Apple or Samsung products? Apple and Samsung are in fierce competition in several ways. Apple and Samsung are the undisputed leaders of the electronic product market. Apple goes against Samsung and Samsung goes against Apple all the time when new products are coming out with new technology. The main product for these two companies is the smart phone. Apple has a great smart phone ‘iPhone’ series.  iPhone is the best product made by Apple. Also, Samsung has a great smart phone ‘Galaxy’ series. Galaxy is the main smart phone by Samsung. Both Galaxy and iPhone are the face of their companies.  For example, Galaxy S6 and iPhone6S were released a few weeks ago. People compare a Galaxy and an iPhone with the design, software, and convenience.
Design of the iPhone was the beginning of change and innovation.  The iPhone 1 was released on June 27, 2007. At that time, the slogans were “This is only the Beginning” and  “Apple reinvents the phone.”  Most iPhone users like the design of iPhone.  However, Samsung started to sue Apple because of the design. Samsung accused Apple of using many of Samsung’s ideas. However, Apple sued Samsung for the same reason. Therefore, the situation is very much dog-eat-dog.
Convenience of the product is a possible reason to change the user’s mind. Convenience could be weight, multi-tasking, and battery. First, weight is not a big deal. Most smart phones are lighter than 1kg. The next issue is multi –tasking technology. Galaxy has better multi-tasking technology because iPhone cannot run two applications at one screen. Finally, battery is a big issue for both devices. Galaxy S6 does not use removable battery, unlike previous models, so convenience is pretty much the same now.
iPhone by Apple
Apple has their software system called IOS. IOS system is made by Apple, so IOS is not independent software;it only works for Apple products. Samsung products are adopting the Android system. Android is a universal system. For example, if the Android phone user changes the cell phone, it is very easy to transfer the data. In the IOS world, users could not transfer the data without their program. IOS users must use iTunes program for connecting with their computers. However, Android is easier to transfer the data because the phone can connect directly to the computer without any program.

Smart phones are divided by two major companies: Galaxy and iPhone. Each type of phone has its own pros. Each person has different taste. Thus, each person has different types of feeling. For reference, the iPhone maker sold 48 million smartphones in the second quarter, up 36%. Samsung sales dipped 5.3%, to 72 million. Apple market share increased from 12% during the same time period last year to 14.6%, while Samsung share dipped to 21.9% from more than 26%. ( Either Apple or Samsung is a good choice anyways. Make a smart decision.